About Me
A brief insight into the complex, but pleasant person that makes me
![Dzenis H.](img/portrait.jpg)
Little Intro:
I'm highly passionate when it comes to learning all sort of things. That's what keeps me going in life. These days I'm borderline obsessed about CS. Programming is a new challenge/ passion for me which I took very seriously and I won't slow down until I feel like I achieved some level of mastery. Then the actual fun begins. Until that moment, it's all about self-discipline, continuous learning and tremendous patience. I, in one word:DRIVEN
My life philosophy goes something like this:
The level of your success can be found in your daily routine.Just like Aristotle said:
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."And in the words of the infamous Howard Hughes:
"Don't tell me I can't do it; Don't tell me it can't be done."
But my very own personality is a little bit different:
We'll do it together. If it's not working, it's time to change our daily routines and start thinking outside the box. I like to collaborate, to share knowledge and positive vibes. I'm a true team player. But what can affect me in a negative way is someone claiming something can't be done, especially project-related. Okay, maybe he/ she is right about the first part, but if I can't do it by myself, then WE can absolutely achieve it together. I stand corrected, so please just don't share the rumor that something is undoable. Let's stay calm, focused, driven, and by the end of the day let's make this work.
"Teamwork makes the dream work"
Tech stack:
Technologies that I'm familiar with, practice and use daily:
- HTML5 [static or/ and with advanced apps]
- CSS3 [incl. SASS➖like this particular site] :)
- JavaScript [Proficient with vailla ES6+]
- React 16 [with Context API & React-Router 4]
- Redux [for a better state management]
- NodeJS [mostly with Express and SailsJS too]
- MongoDB [nativ or/ and with Mongoose]
- Bootstrap 4 [great with MaterializeCSS too]
Additional utilities:
Some of additional tools and libraries that I use regularly:
- Git [as my version control system]
- jQuery [as the main helper library]
- Webpack [for module bundling]
- Gulp [when a task runner is required]
- Postman [as my API development/ testing tool]
- Loadash [often required as my helper library]
- Mocha [whenever testing is mandatory]
- EJS/ HBS [when all focuse is on the backend]
Other interesting facts:
Technology that I'm currently most focused on:
Language that I'm familiar with, but don't use often:
Language I would like to work with in the future:
When I'm not coding, learning new skills, or advancing the existing ones, I'm doing one of the following:
- Practicing meditation & healthy lifestyle.
- Extensively listening to audiobooks.
- Reading articles & studies about A.I.
- Spending quality family time.